At Tuition by Teachers we offer comprehensive SATs courses for both KS1 and KS2 pupils giving them the skills and confidence they need to excel in their assessment. All of our tutors are qualified teachers with vast experience in teaching students in a classroom setting. They have extensive knowledge of Primary National Curriculum and possess a deep understanding of the SATs Curriculum and testing format.
We tutor children in a friendly yet results-driven environment, creating a classroom experience similar to that of a private school. This is how we set our pupils up for success in their SATs and further education:
Initial teacher assessment that takes place in a ‘non-test’ environment.
Tailored learning with a focus on the core areas that will be assessed in their SATs exam— Reading; Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling; and three Maths assessments.
Weekly tutoring sessions where your child will learn within a small group, benefiting from the supportive environment as well as individual help from the tutor.
Our approach helps children achieve the SATs results they deserve, as well as paving the way for future academic motivation and success.
SATs are Standardised Assessment Tests which are administered in Primary Schools in Year 2 & Year 6 to assess pupils educational progress.
SATs tests consists of three main subjects;
Year 2 – two papers (1) short text with questions, (2) longer text with separate questions.
Year 6 – one paper including three divergent texts followed by a separate question booklet.
Year 2 – two papers (1) Arithmetic, (2) Reasoning Paper.
Year 6 – three papers (1) Arithmetic, (2) Reasoning Paper, (3) Reasoning Paper.
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
Year 2 – two papers (1) Punctuation and Grammar, (2) Spelling.
Year 6 – two papers (1) Punctuation and Grammar, (2) Spelling.
Link to KS1 & KS2 Past Papers